A Directive can be adjacent to many parts of the GraphQL language, a __DirectiveLocation describes one such possible adjacencies.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- enum __DirectiveLocation {
- # Location adjacent to a query operation.
- # Location adjacent to a mutation operation.
- # Location adjacent to a subscription operation.
- # Location adjacent to a field.
- # Location adjacent to a fragment definition.
- # Location adjacent to a fragment spread.
- # Location adjacent to an inline fragment.
- # Location adjacent to a variable definition.
- # Location adjacent to a schema definition.
- # Location adjacent to a scalar definition.
- # Location adjacent to an object type definition.
- # Location adjacent to a field definition.
- # Location adjacent to an argument definition.
- # Location adjacent to an interface definition.
- # Location adjacent to a union definition.
- # Location adjacent to an enum definition.
- # Location adjacent to an enum value definition.
- # Location adjacent to an input object type definition.
- # Location adjacent to an input object field definition.
- }